Is Your Training Management Software Ready for Summer?

Most business are getting ready for Summer implementing a summertime business strategy. This includes summer hours, casual dress and even flexible work schedules. Summer is often thought of as a time to relax and unwind and maybe not work quite as hard because you have more freedom than usual. Often times vacations are planned and employees start working from home more frequently, leaving the office early and scheduling more “outside” appointments.

This is not necessarily a bad thing for businesses. After all, most employees would argue that it rejuvenates them and allows them to get caught up on things like organizing our email inbox! (who doesn’t need time for this!) What I am saying is to take this time to focus on an initiative to make a business improvement. For instance, ask yourself some questions about your training software. Is your training management software or LMS working for you? Are you able to track training for your staff easily? Are you tracking employee training the best way? If you find you are not satisfied, spend some time seeing what else is “out there”. Do a little comparison research/shopping to ensure you have the best. As it relates to training software, have you completed an LMS comparison chart?

As you begin digging in, you may find that your current provider has incorporated upgrades that you might have missed or that you find a solution that offers more for less. Really what’s the harm in looking. Take advantage of summer, research some LMS Vendors and find the perfect fit. Feel free to use our LMS Comparison chart to get you started. Don’t be scared to work a little harder this Summer, it might actually help you find more time to relax as you become more efficient in your job. Don’t forget your sunscreen!