5 Best Practices to Transform Your Preboarding Process

5 Best Practices to Transform Your Preboarding Process


Preboarding is the critical period between when a new hire accepts an offer and their first day on the job. Often overlooked, this phase can significantly impact new hire retention and engagement. Studies show that a strong preboarding process can increase retention by up to 82%. Here are the 5 Best Practices to Transform Your Preboarding Process to ensure new hires start on the right foot.


Finish the Recruiting Process

Before diving into preboarding, ensure your recruiting process is fully wrapped up. Notify non-selected candidates and consider engaging runner-ups for future roles. Send your new hire an email introduction to their team, setting the stage for their arrival. This ensures everyone is informed and ready to welcome the new employee.


Build an Initial Roadmap

Create a clear roadmap for the new hire’s journey between offer acceptance and day one. This roadmap should outline key dates and events, including their first-day agenda, any required paperwork, and an overview of their first week. By providing structure, you help set expectations and reduce uncertainty, which lowers anxiety for the new employee.


Build a Relationship Early

Don’t treat preboarding as a one-time event—think of it as a drip campaign. Begin with a follow-up email after the offer acceptance, providing resources like an introduction to the company’s mission, an overview of the industry, and videos from leadership. Early relationship-building fosters engagement and connection, making the new hire feel welcomed and informed before they even step through the door.


Assign an Ambassador

While many companies assign buddies or mentors, consider selecting an ambassador instead. This ambassador should have deep institutional knowledge and a genuine passion for the company. They will act as a go-to person for the new hire, answering questions they may hesitate to ask HR or their direct manager. Defining the ambassador’s role and timeline clearly ensures both parties understand expectations.


Organize Paperwork Efficiently

Paperwork is a necessary part of preboarding, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Provide a clear table of contents and set the expectation that forms should be completed before day one. Consider offering online form completion options to streamline the process. Efficient handling of paperwork ensures the new hire can focus on learning and integrating into the team when they arrive.

By implementing these best practices, your preboarding process will not only boost retention but also provide new hires with a warm, structured welcome to your organization. A solid preboarding plan minimizes confusion, reduces first-day jitters, and ensures new employees are ready to contribute from day one.


Ready to learn more?

Watch our full webcast on the 5 Best Practices to Transform Your Preboarding Process to dive deeper into each of these strategies:  

[Watch the webcast here


Need assistance putting these practices into action? Do not worry – we are here to help! 

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