As a learning management software provider, we try to give the best information and latest training news to our users so they can create great training programs for their organizations. It’s entirely up to leaders to create and properly implement an effective training program, but it is vital to recognize that there is a certain amount of accountability on behalf of the trainee.
Offering great training and the right tools eliminates the validity of excuses, and that’s where accountability comes in.
Goal Tracking
Goal need to be communicated, tracked and revisited long after training is over. Just because someone can repeat back to you what you’ve just told them, does not mean they’ve learned anything. A parrot can do that. According to the American society for Training and Development, with little practical follow-up or meaningful assessments, about 90% of new skills are lost within a year.
Take a moment and consider that number in regards to what your organization currently spends on training. That can be an incredible amount of resources lost. Revisit goals and new skills on a regular basis to help ensure that your training dollars go farther.
Learning When to Let Go
Employees should always be treated like a valued investment, because they are. That being said, when an employee fails to acclimate, learn or put forth effort in training, that is a clear picture of what you can expect from them in the long run. Monster recommends getting the probation period right.
“A probation period gives you some time to make sure that the selection you made for your vacancy was the right choice. It’s an opportunity to evaluate the new employee’s performance, commitment and general suitability for the role, and to take the necessary action I they are failing to meet the requirements. They generally last from one to six months, and both you and the employee have the opportunity to walk away from the agreement at any point during this period.”
The investment that an organization makes in an employee can end up yielding seriously negative returns if a problem employee isn’t addressed right away. Yes, that means during training.
We can’t stress the importance of soliciting feedback enough! This gives everyone the opportunity to improve the program that you’ve spent time and money on. Furthermore, it allows you the opportunity to gauge the learner’s success.
Sure, a program can be fun and dynamic, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it was effective. The key here is to ask the right questions. 2020 IT Leader offers a few sample questions that require real answers, not just fluff.
- Are you clear on how we fit into our overall strategy & vision?
- Do you know the goals of your team?
- Do you know why things are organized the way they are?
- Which things can we change?
- What’s our approach?
- What can I do to help you?
- What should I stop doing?
Questions like, “Did you enjoy the training program?” are a waste of the pixels they are made of. Ask questions that will help you improve the program and simultaneously gauge the success of the participants.
Remember that holding your trainees accountable is a huge part of the training journey. You can have the greatest training program in the world, but if there is no accountability on the part of the learner, the incentive to perform isn’t there. Track goals, define consequences for poor performance and gather effective feedback, and you’re well on your way to great performers.
Want to know more about creating a stellar and effective training program? Let’s talk about it today!
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