As a recruiter, you probably spend a good deal of your workday, sending, receiving and decoding emails. The more you read, the more that come in. The more you send out, the more that need replies. This is called email hell, and it’s a vicious cycle. We know that we need to have constant communication with our clients and candidates, and this is one area in which many of us waste a whole lot of time.
- We receive an average of 304 business emails on a weekly basis.
- We check out inbox dozens of times per hour (literally).
- A huge chunk of our workday is devoted to refocusing after handling email.
Technology to the rescue!
If for no other reason than to get out of email hell, recruiters need to start automating much of their communications. This is where good recruiting software comes into play. For every step in the recruiting process, there is an email, and it can be murder to keep up with. Let your software keep up with it, and get on with your actual job. The goal of technology is to make our lives easier, automating routine tasks and organizing data in meaningful, useful ways.
The Lengthy Applicant Routing Email
So you’ve narrowed it down to a select few and these candidates and all their information need to be sent to the hiring manger. The right software will easily grant the hiring manager access to all of that relevant information. Instead of time-consumingly crafting each email, you can share information with the click of a button.
Once the hiring manager receives the information, a volley of emails will ensue. Instead of this back and forth, use a system that will allow managers to easily rate candidates and share those ratings and notes. This will save time and sanity.
Scheduling accounts for many an email, but the right recruiting software can drastically reduce the number of emails and time spent on coordinating calendars, scheduling interviews and soliciting feedback from hiring managers. The interview process can end up being responsible for dozens of emails. All communications exchanged throughout the interview process can be tracked more easily with recruiting software, producing a better candidate experience ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. From the interview offer, to the follow-up email, automation can greatly help recruiters.
The Offer and Approval
Using software during the offer and approval can really help assist recruiters all of those tiny, but important, details. Hiring managers can make easier and faster approvals when information is shared in an easy to digest format. Once approval is received the recruiter, this software should alert the recruiter of any necessary new hire documents to complete the process.
The annual productivity cost of unnecessary emails per employee is $1,800. Not every department can be as automated as HR, but that is one less department wasting this time and money. The recruiting function, with its many administrative tasks and large volume of data, can benefit significantly from the application of technology and solutions to help Recruiting Departments reduce workload on staff while ensuring vital details are not overlooked.