Who knows better than CEO Kringle? Santa does manage a workshop year long, and he keeps impeccable performance reviews of every child in the world. He runs a tight ship, and always manages to deliver. While I can’t attest to his super secret software for recruiting or his hiring practices, I do happen to know which apps he makes sure that everyone in his HR department is equipped with.
We’ll start with the “duh” app. LinkedIn is obviously any recruiter’s or hiring manager’s go-to site, but many of them don’t have the app. With the app, checking that listing, or screening that client doesn’t fall to the back burner. Why not do it right now, in the car pool lane, instead of firing up the computer while the kids are decorating the tree?
The LinkedIn app makes it easy to frequently change your picture, which peaks interest and increases visibility. The app also allows you to communicate with candidates in a timely manner. When we’re talking candidate experience, communication is extremely important.
The new “Apply with LinkedIn” feature that Visibility Software offers makes it extremely conveneient for candidates to apply. This new feature allows candidates to apply with one click. This pulls information from their LinkedIn profile straight to Cyber Recruiter.
Hello Sign
Signing paper documents has never been easier. With all of the paperwork, contracts and signatures to be collected and organize, this app is a must-have. Users can scan, edit, sign and send documents legally and securely. Never put off getting documentation in order again, get it done anywhere, anytime.
Offering tools like this, promotes an embrace of technology, and it simply makes these type of time consuming tasks take a fraction of the time. When candidates and employees see how simple the process can be, they are more likely to engage.
Google Drive
Formerly known as Google Docs, this app allows you access to all of your documents, spreadsheets, calendars and so forth. Whether or not you are cloud based in your office, you can always have access to everything you need when you save it to Google Drive. This app also allows users to share, edit and manage documents with others. Updated verisons of everything will be on all of your devices.
“Tell Zite your interests and let it do the rest”. Keeping up on the latest news in whatever category of your life, is so much simpler with Zite. No more jumping from site to site, skimming for topics that are relevant to you. Everything from human capital management systems to ping-pong, just tell Zite what you want to read about.
If your home away from home is the conference expo floor, this app is for you. We all do it; we get home with a ton of great contacts on dozens of business cards…and put them in a drawer, never to be seen again. CamCard lets you take pictures of those business cards and then imports the information into an organized form on your phone. It’s simple and extremely useful.
Dragon Dictation
You know those 47 emails you need to send before EOB in every time zone possible? Dragon Dictation allows you to dictate drafts of those emails on the go. Whether you’re making lunch, driving to pick up the kids or just want to walk around while you check these communications off of your list, Dragon Dictation is the way to go. Obviously it isn’t only for email. You can use this app for any number of dictation needs.