We’ve talked a lot on this blog about choosing the right software for your company’s needs. The software should be able to grow, be cost effective and actually work. One of the main considerations however should be support. Technical support, upgrades and updated knowledge libraries are all so very important in order to have effective and relevant software. Even the best software in the world is useless if no one knows how to use or update it. Great support looks a little like this…

Does your tech support call you? Leading software companies (like us) have realized the importance of offering relevant and timely tech support. Industry leaders in the software business have taken notice of customer feedback, and started to make their support proactive. Visibility has become known for it’s proactive tech support offering features like “touch base calls“. These calls are designed to faciliate the proper use of the software through ongoing training and support. Instead of waiting for the call from the frantic client trying desperately to get something done in a timely manner, proactive support answers the questions and fixes the problems ahead of time.
As clients use the software, they find their own ways of doing things. These aren’t necessary the ways in which the software was designed to be used, therefore it is not being used optimally. Vendors who offer great support want clients to use the software to the best of its potential. Happy clients are retained clients, and this happens through the optimization of the software. “Wow, I didn’t know it could do that!” is phrase that a good tech support representative should hear often.
Have you ever had a question about your software, picked up the phone, and waded through a 5 minute-long automated system, only to end up with a sales person charging you for the call and the support? This is an all too common frustration with software support. When choosing your software, be sure to ask questions about support and it’s associated costs. Will each call cost me? How much? What if the matter isn’t resolved? Ongoing support should be a part of the package.
On the Line
Zendesk has a nifty infographic on the importance of call centers in customer care. An overwhelming majority of customers prefer to contact customer service phone, 79% in fact. Having software support that actually answers the phone is vital to productivity and sanity. Although most companies can’t answer the phone 24/7, there should be some type of support available around the clock.
photo credit: Vincent_AF via photopin cc